Online Physiotherapy Consulting


Online Physiotherapy Consulting: Expert Care at Your Fingertips

In today’s world, accessibility to healthcare is paramount. Our Online Physiotherapy service brings expert care directly to you, eliminating the need for travel and fitting seamlessly into your busy schedule. Leveraging over 20 years of experience in Musculoskeletal physiotherapy, we offer effective, interactive treatments that empower you in your recovery journey.

Research supports the efficacy of online treatment, and our approach is designed to be as impactful as in-person therapy. With just a PC, tablet, or phone, you can connect with us for a personalised consultation and a bespoke exercise program delivered through our app.

Ready to experience the convenience and effectiveness of Online Physiotherapy? Contact us to schedule your virtual consultation.

Research shows it can be a good alternative to in-person treatment, focusing on interactive and personalized care.

A PC, tablet, or mobile phone is all you need to connect with us. We’ll provide a simple link for your scheduled appointment.

Similar to in-person sessions, we’ll discuss your condition, assess your movements, and identify the root cause of your problems

We’ll tailor a bespoke program for you and send it via our free app, guiding you on your recovery path.

Yes, you’ll need to fill out a questionnaire to provide relevant information, making your consultation more effective.

With extensive experience in Musculoskeletal physiotherapy, we tailor our online sessions to effectively address a wide range of conditions.

What to expect in your consult?

When you attend for your initial consultation here at Indergaard Physiotherapy, you will be taken through our thorough assessment process, where we will find the root cause of your pain. Your therapist, in partnership with yourself, will form a plan for how we aim to get you pain free and back to full function as soon as possible.

This can include hands on therapy, Shockwave Therapy, Laser Therapy, movement re-education and rehabilitation, as well as exercises. Our goal is to give you the best possible care to enable you to move better and feel great as soon as possible.


Our Initial Consultations last up to 60 minutes to make sure you receive a thorough examination and that we can start your treatment straight away so we can start you on your journey to get better.
We accept cash and all major debit and credit cards.
Our initial consultations are usually 60 minutes long and our standard treatment sessions are 30 minutes long. Occasionally we need longer sessions if we are treating multiple problems and this will be discussed and agreed with you before booking.
There is free parking just outside the clinic.
What We Treat

Conditions We Treat

Meet The Team