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Runners! Pain in the butt – it could be Hamstring Tendinopathy…

RUNNERS: What is proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT) and how do you know if have it? PHT is quite literally a pain in the bum, especially for the runners out there! It often starts as a little niggle at the back of your thigh under your bottom, but can progress into something more stubborn and tricky

Runners! Pain in the butt – it could be Hamstring Tendinopathy… Read More »

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November Lockdown Update – Important information

After the announcement this Saturday we wanted to let everyone know how this will affect our clinic and how we look after your health.  Essentially, nothing will change for us.  As one of the most highly regulated health professions we are held to a very high standard in how we look after your health during this challenging time. For us,

November Lockdown Update – Important information Read More »

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The top 3 Grappling Injuries and what to do about them.

In a sport like Judo, BJJ and mixed martial arts grappling is a major component where the objective is to test the integrity of your opponents joints, injuries will inevitably occur. The purpose of this blog is to identify common injuries, discuss their management and identify strategies for prevention. The top 3 Injuries seen in

The top 3 Grappling Injuries and what to do about them. Read More »

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Introducing the Magnetolith – our exciting new technology

As some of you know we have been investing in our clinic and the treatments that we can offer for some time now. We are always looking to be at the cutting edge of musculoskeletal health and we have recently received the Magnetolith – our Extracorporeal Magneto Transduction Therapy (EMTT) machine. This is a new

Introducing the Magnetolith – our exciting new technology Read More »

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9 Tips to stay free of injuries when starting running

During the last few weeks people have had a lot of time on their hands and many are deciding to step up their exercise game. Unfortunately we are getting reports of people over exercising and hurting themselves in the process. Our Running expert, Chartered Physiotherapist Ruth Jones based in our Leeds clinic has written a blog about

9 Tips to stay free of injuries when starting running Read More »