Keep Your Marathon Dreams on Track

Dreaming of crossing that marathon finish line with a sense of triumph?

Knee pain shouldn’t stop you. With smart training and the right care, you can push knee pain
aside and confidently move towards your marathon goals.

Excellence in Care:
At Indergaard Physiotherapy, we get how knee pain can be a real pain, especially for
runners. We’re all about top-notch care, using proven methods and the latest
treatments to help you beat knee pain and keep those marathon dreams alive.

Patient-Centred Approach:
Your marathon journey is as unique as you are. That’s why we listen closely, get to
know your running goals, and customize our care just for you. We’re with you at
every step, cheering you on.

Innovation and Continuous Improvement:
Staying ahead with the newest treatments and tech is our thing. At Indergaard
Physiotherapy, we bring you the latest in physiotherapy to make your journey to
overcoming knee pain as smooth as possible.

Community and Support:
Running is more fun together. We’re not just your physio team; we’re your biggest
fans. Whether it’s your first race or your tenth marathon, we’re here to support you all
the way.

Why Knee Pain Strikes Runners:
Knee pain is common among marathoners, but why? Let’s break it down, from the
wear and tear of running to the way your body moves. Understanding the causes is
the first step to beating it.

Prevention Starts with Proper Training:
Avoiding knee pain begins with how you train. We’ll talk about how to up your
mileage safely, add in other types of workouts, and do knee-friendly strength

Stretches and Exercises for Stronger Knees:

Want knees of steel? We’ll show you some easy stretches and exercises to make
your knees stronger and less injury-prone, like quad stretches and clamshells.

Listen to Your Body:
The best advice for any runner? Pay attention to what your body tells you.
Knee pain doesn’t have to ruin your marathon plans. With smart training and the right
care, you can tackle those miles confidently.

If knee pain sticks around or gets worse, Indergaard Physiotherapy is here to
help. We’ll help you to spot overtraining and tweak your routine to keep knee
pain at bay. Let’s get you back to running pain-free.