Introducing the Magnetolith – our exciting new technology

As some of you know we have been investing in our clinic and the treatments that we can offer for some time now. We are always looking to be at the cutting edge of musculoskeletal health and we have recently received the Magnetolith – our Extracorporeal Magneto Transduction Therapy (EMTT) machine. This is a new technology that we were initially introduced to back in October when Ove was invited to go to the Storz Medical headquarters in Switzerland in the autumn. Over there he received training from some of the worlds top experts on shockwave therapy and also the new EMTT technology. We are delighted that we are one of very few clinics (4 last time we checked) in the UK that have access to this technology. 

Magnetic therapy has been round for a while now, and shown good results for improving healing of fractures, and lowering inflammation in arthritis. The problem was the treatment was very lengthy (30 min to 2h) and multiple treatment sessions over many weeks to see a difference. A few years ago they developed a new technology that has been in development that will allow for a higher level of energy that also gets delivered faster and penetrates deeper into the body. 

When they started researching it they discovered that the effectiveness was greatly improved, and so far we know it works in treating osteoarthritic problems, tendon problems and that it can even speed up the healing of fractures. They have even combined the treatment with Shockwave Therapy and found that the results were even better than with just shockwave alone. 

The therapy can deliver a high enough dose as far as 18cm into the human body, and even works through clothing. It is very comfortable and only takes 10-15 minutes. 

In a recent case study by one of our mentors Prof. Karsten Knobloch from Germany, he performed Shockwave Therapy combined with EMTT twice on a broken metatarsal bone (long bone in the foot) and after 4 weeks the patient was fully healed and back to running without pain. A truly outstanding outcome. Prof Knobloch has allowed me to share the picture below from this case study.  

If you would like to read more on this exciting new therapy – please follow this link here:

If you want to know more about Shockwave Therapy follow this link here: